Dow opens -9 and our open trade stays very negative (click to enlarge)The Dow closes +316 and this is what we closed out: EYES +225, MVIS -1560TOTAL = -$1,335This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
Dow opens -125 and our open trade stays very negative (click to enlarge)The Dow closes – 256 and this is what we closed out: CLNE (from yesterday) -5560, UAVS -4545, FNGD +165, KOSS -3165, GME -2316TOTAL = -$15,421This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
Dow opens -76 and our open trade goes negative (click to enlarge)
The Dow closes -123 and this is what we closed out: ONCT -2880, SRAC -2200, NVAX +1065, LABD +1530TOTAL = -$2,485This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
Dow opens +169 and our open trade starts getting worse (click to enlarge)The Dow closes + 165 and this is what we closed out: UPST -3193, CLSK -6385, CRDF -4500TOTAL = -$14,078This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
Dow opens +204 and our open trade gets much worse (click to enlarge)The Dow closes +305 and this is what we closed out: FNGD -1980, AMRS -1965, ALT -1952, KOSS -5250, AMC +750, SLDB -270, CFRX -247, BTU -1237, GME +1296, CTHR -924, MVIS -10600, FCEL -3736, EXPR -3217, BTBT -12510TOTAL = -$41,842This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
Dow opens +13 and our open trade goes remains about the same (click to enlarge)The Dow closes +54 and this is what we closed out: UWMC -810, MGNI -1027, WPG +610, SLGG -1620, RIOT +190, RKT +337, BTU +1815, RUBY -1390, NVAX +3190TOTAL = +$1,295This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
Dow opens -66 and our open trade goes positive (click to enlarge)The Dow closes -68 and this is what we closed out: LABD -1593, RIOT +2190, MARA -2775TOTAL = -$2,178This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
Dow opens -44 and our open trade goes positive (click to enlarge)The Dow closes -53 and this is what we closed out: CLSK -1212, EYES -1200, UPST -3958, NVAX -1738, LABD +4059TOTAL = -$4,049This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
Dow opens +74 and our open trade goes negative (click to enlarge)The Dow closes +297 and this is what we closed out: YELL -1380, RUBY -2261, BTBT -1020, POLA -340, APPS -2381, AVEO -3870, STPK +2940, AMTX +337, UUUU -1440, MARA -1482, GRWG +262TOTAL = -$10,635This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
Dow opens -24 and our open trade improves a little (click to enlarge)STPK (click to enlarge)GRWG (click to enlarge)The Dow closes +57 and this is what we closed out: ALT -2380, ONCT -1440, CRDF -3504, SRAC -3600, CRMD -3264, SLDB -2547, CTHR -495TOTAL = -$17,230This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)Tweets by @StockBrain99