Friday April 9, 2021, Today Stock Market



Friday April 9, 2021



Dow opens +74 and our open trade goes negative (click to enlarge)  
1stats930-APRIL-9-21-300x207 Friday April 9, 2021, Today Stock Market  
The Dow closes +297 and this is what we closed out: YELL -1380, RUBY -2261, BTBT -1020, POLA -340, APPS -2381, AVEO -3870, STPK +2940, AMTX +337, UUUU -1440, MARA -1482, GRWG +262
TOTAL = -$10,635
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)

STATS-4-9-21-300x191 Friday April 9, 2021, Today Stock Market