Friday January 20, 2022, Today Stock Market



Friday January 20, 2022



The Dow opens -88 and our open trade  goes from terrible to horrible  (click to enlarge)

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The Dow closes -450  and this is what we closed out: NM -6270, PDCE -3015, SI -5150, CENX -5880, RIOT -9075, PRTY -5715, NXTD -8250, MCRB -2220, AMC -6060, GH -4225, IONS -2880, TRIP -2212, PENN -4537, NTP -2940, ETSY -5077, ROKU -6127, ADGI -1620, EVRI -3000
TOTAL = -$84,253
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
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 Friday January 20, 2022, Today Stock Market