Monday August 30, 2021, Today Stock Market



Monday August 30, 2021


Dow opens +40 but our open trade starts to go south  (click to enlarge)


1stats930-AUGUST-30-21b-300x254 Monday August 30, 2021, Today Stock Market

The Dow closes -56  and this is what we closed out:  BAOS -1402, TPST -3168, XELA -1485, WORX +330, AMRS -1260, NVFY -165, HOV +91, NMRK +140, AHT -2369, SGOC -16740, BTBT +4000, RSLS +3630, ORPH +990, CARV -1725, BEAM -211, AHPI +2850, WTT -412, PLAY -2985, AMD +941, DMTK -1080
Total = -$20,029
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)

STATS-8-30-21b-300x250 Monday August 30, 2021, Today Stock Market

 Monday August 30, 2021, Today Stock Market