Monday June 28, 2021, Today Stock Market



Monday June 28, 2021


Dow opens -45 and our open trade jumps to 18K (click to enlarge)

1stats930-JUNE-28-21-300x248 Monday June 28, 2021, Today Stock Market
EH (click to enlarge)


EH-300x217 Monday June 28, 2021, Today Stock Market


The Dow closes -151 and this is what we closed out: VTNR -3150, SPRT +1237, PFMT -4207, SENS +1072, BNGO +2700, ATOS -12894, SPCE +10018, FUBO -247, FUV +87, EXPR +10026

TOTAL =  + $4642
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)

STATS-6-28-21-300x240 Monday June 28, 2021, Today Stock Market

 Monday June 28, 2021, Today Stock Market