Monday March 15, 2021, Today Stock Market



Monday March 15, 2021



Dow opens + 54 and our open trade turns positive  (click to enlarge)
1stats930-MARCH-15-21-300x237 Monday March 15, 2021, Today Stock Market 
The Dow closes +175 and this is what we closed out:  AVXL +2700, OPTT +1485, NVAX +2728, AMTX +3435, TRCH -11550, MVIS +7020, UVXY -9000, AMRS +9945, SCKT -2772,  KOSS -1170, EXPR +3267, IZEA +630  TOTAL = +$6,718
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)

STATS-3-15-21-300x243 Monday March 15, 2021, Today Stock Market

 Monday March 15, 2021, Today Stock Market