Wednesday October 26, 2016, Today Stock Market

Wednesday October 26, 2016


 Dow opens – 91  and our open trade goes positive.  (click to enlarge)

1stats930-OCT26-16-300x196 Wednesday October 26, 2016, Today Stock Market

DGAZ (click to enlarge)
 DGAZ-12-300x195 Wednesday October 26, 2016, Today Stock Market
4 hours in (click to enlarge)

4-hours-in-7-300x195 Wednesday October 26, 2016, Today Stock Market

The DOW closes + 32.  This is what we closed out : CLF – 4230, DGAZ + 4365

Total = + $135

This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
 STATS-10-26-15-1-300x197 Wednesday October 26, 2016, Today Stock Market

twitter Wednesday October 26, 2016, Today Stock Market