Tuesday July 11, 2023, Today Stock Market

    • Today Stock Market

    • Welcome fellow stock traders!  E-MAIL ME AT:   bobburan@juno.com   with questions.  Download nine years of trading performance at the very bottom of this page.  I am Robert Buran and I update Today Stock Market every trading day.  I utilize Short Term Stock Trading wp-content-uploads-2013-03-robertburan Tuesday July 11, 2023, Today Stock Marketstrategies along with  automated stock trading software and short term stock trading systems to take trades everyday in the U.S. stock market including the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. I post my trading  positions here along with images and charts.  I include a video of my stock market report on this page every day.

Tuesday July 11, 2023


Dow opens +138  and our open trade jumps to + 18 K (click to enlarge)
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Tuesday Open

25 minutes in (click to enlarge)

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Twenty Minutes in
Good Trading Again Today  (click to enlarge)

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Another Good Day in the Stock Market

AFRM (click to enlarge)

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WBX (click to enlarge)

WBX-300x176 Tuesday July 11, 2023, Today Stock Market
The Dow closes +316 and this is what we closed out:  FREY +300, JOBY -1530, FNGR +2340, EDIT +600, PDSB +675, RCUS +3116, WBX +4275, BIG +1950
TOTAL = + $11,726
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
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Tuesday Close

twitter Tuesday July 11, 2023, Today Stock Market

Monday July 10, 2023

    • Today Stock Market

    • Welcome fellow stock traders!  E-MAIL ME AT:   bobburan@juno.com   with questions.  Download nine years of trading performance at the very bottom of this page.  I am Robert Buran and I update Today Stock Market every trading day.  I utilize Short Term Stock Trading wp-content-uploads-2013-03-robertburan Monday July 10, 2023strategies along with  automated stock trading software and short term stock trading systems to take trades everyday in the U.S. stock market including the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. I post my trading  positions here along with images and charts.  I include a video of my stock market report on this page every day.

Monday July 10, 2023

Dow opens +78  and our open trade goes positive (click to enlarge)
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Monday Open

3 hours in (click to enlarge)

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Monday Open
Loving the Green  (click to enlarge)

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Loving the Green

5 hours in (click to enlarge)

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Five Hours In

AAOI (click to enlarge)

AAOI-300x148 Monday July 10, 2023
The Dow closes +209 and this is what we closed out:  STCN +1620, MRVL -465, PLAY +1410, ROOT +1410, GSIT -4500, RXT +495, FNGR +135, MPAA +2910, EDIT -810, AAOI +4833, AYX -97
TOTAL = + $6,941
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)

CLOSE-4-300x154 Monday July 10, 2023

twitter Monday July 10, 2023

Friday July 7, 2023, Today Stock Market

    • Today Stock Market

    • Welcome fellow stock traders!  E-MAIL ME AT:   bobburan@juno.com   with questions.  Download nine years of trading performance at the very bottom of this page.  I am Robert Buran and I update Today Stock Market every trading day.  I utilize Short Term Stock Trading wp-content-uploads-2013-03-robertburan Friday July 7, 2023, Today Stock Marketstrategies along with  automated stock trading software and short term stock trading systems to take trades everyday in the U.S. stock market including the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. I post my trading  positions here along with images and charts.  I include a video of my stock market report on this page every day.

Friday July 7, 2023

Dow opens -125  and our open trade goes negative (click to enlarge)

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Friday open

2 hours in (click to enlarge)

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Two Hours In
Ouch (click to enlarge)

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The Dow closes -187 and this is what we closed out:  AGLE -390, RCUS -780
TOTAL = – $1,170
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
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Friday Close

twitter Friday July 7, 2023, Today Stock Market

Thursday July 6, 2023

    • Today Stock Market

    • Welcome fellow stock traders!  E-MAIL ME AT:   bobburan@juno.com   with questions.  Download nine years of trading performance at the very bottom of this page.  I am Robert Buran and I update Today Stock Market every trading day.  I utilize Short Term Stock Trading wp-content-uploads-2013-03-robertburan Thursday July 6, 2023strategies along with  automated stock trading software and short term stock trading systems to take trades everyday in the U.S. stock market including the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. I post my trading  positions here along with images and charts.  I include a video of my stock market report on this page every day.

Thursday July 6, 2023

Dow opens -193  and our open trade goes into the toilet  (click to enlarge)

OPEN-2-300x168 Thursday July 6, 2023

Yikes (click to enlarge)

leo-Technical-Analysis-2-227x300 Thursday July 6, 2023
The Dow closes -365 and this is what we closed out:  AI -3382, RGTI -780, FNGR -1567, ACHR -2709, BIG -4050, AQST -3600, AAOI -1665, CXAI -3500
TOTAL = – $21,253
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)

CLOSE-2-300x166 Thursday July 6, 2023

twitter Thursday July 6, 2023

Wednesday July 5, 2023, Today Stock Market

    • Today Stock Market

    • Welcome fellow stock traders!  E-MAIL ME AT:   bobburan@juno.com   with questions.  Download nine years of trading performance at the very bottom of this page.  I am Robert Buran and I update Today Stock Market every trading day.  I utilize Short Term Stock Trading wp-content-uploads-2013-03-robertburan Wednesday July 5, 2023, Today Stock Marketstrategies along with  automated stock trading software and short term stock trading systems to take trades everyday in the U.S. stock market including the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. I post my trading  positions here along with images and charts.  I include a video of my stock market report on this page every day.

Wednesday July 5, 2023

Dow opens -152  and our open trade stays posotive  (click to enlarge)

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Wednesday Open


90 minutes in  (click to enlarge)
90-minutes-in-300x162 Wednesday July 5, 2023, Today Stock Market
90 minutes in
The Dow closes -129 and this is what we closed out:  +3420, MRVL -335, ROOT -3750, FNGR +7117, ACHR +1080, QBTS -3943, MPAA -2100, GSIT +648, AFRM -2640, SFIX +2475
TOTAL = + $1,972
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)
CLOSE-1-300x167 Wednesday July 5, 2023, Today Stock Market
Wednesday Close

twitter Wednesday July 5, 2023, Today Stock Market

Mastering the Art of System Trading: The Path to Financial Freedom

Mastering the Art of System Trading: The Path to Financial Freedom


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Millionaire Mike

wp-content-uploads-2013-01-robertburan1 Mastering the Art of System Trading: The Path to Financial Freedom


by Robert Buran



Embracing the Art of System Trading

Why is it so difficult for individuals to embrace the art of system trading? As someone who’s been in this field for years, I often find myself wondering why some find it hard to understand the importance of trading the system. Could it be a misinterpretation, or perhaps a simple reluctance to put in the years of consistent work at home necessary to amass a fortune? Whatever the case, I assure you, the path to financial freedom is indeed real and feasible.

The Paradox of System Trading

On the surface, following a trading system seems to be the simplest task a trader can undertake. Yet, it proves to be an almost insurmountable challenge for most. It’s a paradox I’ve observed over time in my interactions with hundreds  of traders – both novices and experts. Sadly, very few can effectively master the discipline of system trading.

As a former psychologist, I have a natural curiosity about the underlying psychology of trading. (Please see: Investment Strategies: Understanding the Psychology of Successful Stock Investors) Why is it that even the most intelligent individuals struggle with system trading? Unfortunately, a concrete explanation still eludes me.

The Appeal of System Trading

Why do I advocate for system trading so strongly? My trading activities, which I post several times a day on this website, coupled with daily video trading wrap-ups, offer a glimpse into my journey. Yes, there are good days and bad days, as in any venture. However, the overall returns, which consistently outperform most professional traders, are a testament to the efficacy of system trading.

The system I’ve employed has shown its resilience for over thirty years. It has proven successful across accounts of various sizes, ranging from $6,000 to $6,000,000. I firmly believe that anyone armed with a modest capital of 5 to 20 thousand dollars has the potential to earn hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars, if they commit to system trading for several years.

Exploring Trading Systems

While I do offer my system for sale (see Automated Stock Trading Software), I recognize it isn’t the only viable system available. There are a multitude of strategies for the discerning trader – a hundred ways to skin this cat, so to speak. It’s a topic I’ve explored in several of my articles, including Simple Stock Trading, offering readers a multitude of ideas.

However, a critical aspect to remember is the importance of consistency. Once you select a system, dedication to it is paramount, possibly for years. This is the discipline I adhered to, and it has led to considerable financial success. This is the same path I recommend if your goal is to accumulate wealth.

A Guideline for System Trading Success

To gain maximum value from system trading and ultimately join the ranks of the wealthy, I offer these specific recommendations:

  1. Setup a Trading Account: In 2023, it’s easier than ever. Open a trading account with TradeStation Securities, with an initial capital of five to twenty thousand dollars. Learn how to utilize their software effectively. With the current provision of free software and commission-free stock trading, the opportunities are far more favorable than they were four decades ago when I first got started.
  2. Commitment to Trading: Dedicate nearly eight hours a day to sit in front of your computer, each day that the markets are open. Plan to sustain this routine for a span of five to eight years.
  3. Adhere to the System: Follow your system religiously. When the computer signals to buy, you buy. When it says sell, you sell. For optimal efficiency, consider automating your system.
  4. Maintain Trading Records: Keeping careful trading records is essential. It allows you to track your progress on a day-to-day basis.
  5. Timely Tax Payments: It’s vital to maintain your legal and financial obligations. Pay your taxes on time.

Theoretically, the worst-case scenario predicts you could become a millionaire in eight years. A lucrative reward for five to eight years of dedicated work.

Why Traders May Fail to Follow the System

Despite the potential for immense earnings, why do some individuals fail to trade the system effectively? Why is it so challenging for many to follow a simple system for several years and accumulate wealth?

Drawing from my background as a psychologist and trader, as well as my interactions with hundreds of traders, I’ve identified four common pitfalls that often lead to failure:

  1. Boredom: Contrary to popular belief, professional trading is not always a thrill ride. In fact, markets move sideways approximately 85% of the time, which isn’t particularly exciting. Furthermore, around 70% of my profits stem from just 5% of my trades. Like fishing, trading requires patience. However, many who gravitate towards trading are thrill-seekers and quickly become disenchanted with this reality. Check out my article on the role of boredom in trading for more insights.
  2. Desire for Change: System trading demands consistency. You need to repeat the same actions day in, day out, for several years. Most individuals, perhaps out of boredom or the innate desire for stimulation, struggle with this concept. They often resort to switching trading systems, which unfortunately often accelerates losses. Despite the evident success of my decades-old trading methods, some traders feel compelled to seek out new systems, erroneously perceiving my consistency as intellectual stagnation.

3.Negative Life Events: The prospect of working from home, making trades as prompted by your computer may seem attractive at first glance. However, trading can incite emotional turbulence, leading to depression, anxiety, strained relationships, and even despair. Full-time trading can induce feelings of isolation and disrupt family dynamics. Even a dramatic increase in wealth can place stress on relationships and challenge your stability and consistency. Having substantial wealth can bring changes, not always for the better.

4.Negative Psychiatric Programming: Running a website and selling trading advice and software has helped mitigate my sense of isolation, but it has also brought me into contact with an array of unique individuals.

Allow me to share examples of two traders I’ve interacted with, who failed to effectively trade the system:

  • Hobo John was literally homeless and called me
    leo-Follow-System-3-220x300 Mastering the Art of System Trading: The Path to Financial Freedom
    Hobo John

    frequently from phone booths.  Twenty years ago he put together a few thousand dollars, probably selling drugs, and paid me $1150 for my trading package and used the balance to open a trading account.  What he got from my trading materials was that if you invested in the stock market you would get rich.  The guy bought one mini stock index contract and held onto it until all his money was gone.  I was almost happy when that happened because he had been calling me every day from a phone booth to report on the progressive decline of his account.  If you are going to buy my system you are going to need a shelter to trade from and a computer!

  • Millionaire Mike had all the family money anybody could want and had never put in an
    leo-Follow-System-2-236x300 Mastering the Art of System Trading: The Path to Financial Freedom
    Millionaire Mike

    honest day of work in his life.  He hardly knew how to turn on a computer and could not follow my system if his life depended on it.  He lost large amounts of money on a daily basis and this did not seem to bother him at all.  He talked to me like I was his best friend and, like Hobo John, called me daily to cheerfully report on his losses.  His marriage was in trouble and curiously he would tell me about buying gold and burying it on public land to keep it from his wife.  The phone calls ended mercifully with his divorce.

Sadly, some people seem drawn to trading as a form of self-punishment, a kind of a subconscious desire to lose money.

In conclusion, there are numerous reasons why people struggle to follow a trading system, sitting in front of a computer at home, for several years to earn their millions. Depending on your perspective, trading the system can seem either straightforward or nearly impossible.

However, if you believe you have the necessary qualities and can avoid the pitfalls I’ve described, I strongly recommend giving system trading a go. With the right mindset and resilience, anybody should be able to successfully trade the system.

 Mastering the Art of System Trading: The Path to Financial Freedom

Unraveling Trading Signals: A Practical Guide

Unraveling Trading Signals: A Practical Guide

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What Constitutes a Trading Signal?

wp-content-uploads-2013-01-robertburan1 Unraveling Trading Signals: A Practical Guide

 by Robert Buran

Interpretations of Trading Signals

In the world of trading, the term ‘trading signals’ can conjure different images depending on whom you ask. A steadfast contrarian might equate a trading signal to sell stocks with the presence of a bull on the cover of Time Magazine. In contrast, a committed technical analyst may scrutinize particular stochastic figures on a 30-minute bar chart to determine the perfect time to buy a particular stock. On the other end of the spectrum, a dedicated fundamental investor might perceive specific financial metrics of the underlying company as a signal.

Establishing a Usable Definition of Trading Signals

Despite the varying interpretations, I’d like to introduce a functional and practical definition of a trading signal. Let’s explore an instance of a trading signal that I find beneficial in navigating the trading terrain.

Consider any stock and review all the daily bars for the previous 10 days. Proceed by subtracting all the highs from the corresponding lows to obtain the daily ranges for each of these 10 daily bars. Now, compute the average range for these ten days, terming it the Average Daily Range. Subsequently, divide each daily range by two to derive the midpoint for each day. Following this, find the average midpoint for these 10 days, dubbing it the Average Midpoint. Then, add 125% of the Average Daily Range to the Average Midpoint to ascertain our trading signal to buy the next day.

In essence, we have generated a signal utilizing just two variables: Average Daily Range and Average Midpoint.

Constructing a Trading Signal Exit

The ways to exit this trade are numerous, but our goal is to maintain simplicity and restrict our parameters. We might want to set a stop loss on the average low and capitalize on profits at the average high plus 150% of the Average Daily Range.

Utilizing Market Momentum Theory in Trading Signals

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Momentum Theory

Drawing from the simplest ideas of market momentum theory and using the most minimal parameters, we’ve created signals. This modest trading system could likely tame the capriciousness of short-term stock market movements and potentially generate some profit. For an in-depth understanding of these concepts, refer to my articles on market momentum theory in ‘Stock Market Basics: Dummies Can Be Winners Too’ and ‘A Fresh Approach to Debunking Stock Trading Myths: Unraveling the Mystery of Price Movements.’

Essential Characteristics of a Trading Signal

While the goal of this article is not to design a trading system, it is to shed light on my perspective on what constitutes a valid trading signal. In my viewpoint, a trading signal should encompass the following traits:

  • A trading signal must be mathematically precise and definite.
  • It should be programmable into a computer, enabling the computer, not the trader, to track the relevant markets and alert the trader when the trading signal has been activated. This feature permits the trader to diversify and to trade multiple markets concurrently.
  • Lastly, the trading signal must be versatile enough to be tested in various market types and different market environments to affirm its accuracy and validity.

When used in this context, objective trading signals become the pillar of our trading system development and evolve into indispensable tools for profitable stock trading.

Implementing Trading Signals in Real-Time Trading

To better understand the application of these trading signals, check out JORDI FUSION—a trading system I’ve used for over a decade in real time, which utilizes trading signals analogous to the hypothetical ones discussed above. The rules outlined in this article influenced the design of JORDI FUSION. For more insight, you can download my real-time performance of JORDI FUSION from the Home Page of this site. Additionally, I post a daily video of my trading experiences using these signals on the Home Page.

Embarking on the journey of finding the right trading signals can be challenging but rewarding. Good luck with your quest!

 Unraveling Trading Signals: A Practical Guide

The Evolution of Trading Terminology: Trading Systems Vs Trading Strategies

The Evolution of Trading Terminology: Trading Systems Vs Trading Strategies


leo-Strategy-vs-Automation-1-300x206 The Evolution of Trading Terminology: Trading Systems Vs Trading Strategies

wp-content-uploads-2013-01-robertburan1 The Evolution of Trading Terminology: Trading Systems Vs Trading Strategies


By Robert Buran


Unraveling the Difference Between a Trading System and a Trading Strategy

This engaging narrative takes us back to a time, more than three decades ago, when government regulation shifted the way we understand the terminologies of ‘trading systems’ and ‘trading strategies.’

Interestingly, the phrase ‘Automated Trading Strategies’ records almost 10,000 searches per month on Google. This curiosity prompts a chuckle because, from a knowledgeable trader’s perspective, automation and strategy don’t quite mesh together.

Diving Into the Concept of Trading Strategy

When considering a trading strategy, traders typically have a broad approach. For instance, a trading strategy might look something like this:

Example of Trading Strategy: “I will target newly issued NASDAQ stocks priced under two dollars, planning to purchase during the initial price drop following an initial surge.”

Such a strategy takes a global perspective concerning actual market prices. It is more of an overall plan than a defined set of actions.

The Impossibility of Automating a Strategy

An important point to note is that strategies can’t be automated unless they’re explicitly defined, rather than being broad or general. Automation in trading necessitates specific market prices, and trading strategies are typically too vague to lend themselves to such precision.

Let me elaborate further on this point. If we take the previously mentioned example, “I will focus on newly issued NASDAQ stocks trading under two dollars and I will buy them on the first pull back after an initial price surge,” this can be transitioned into a more precise trading statement. Here’s how:

The Precision of a Trading System: An Example

A trading system, on the other hand, could take the following form:

leo-Strategy-vs-Automation-3-214x300 The Evolution of Trading Terminology: Trading Systems Vs Trading Strategies
This robot is confused because the stock chart does not have specific programmable rules that he can understand,

Example of a Trading System: “If the market is NASDAQ, and the average closing price over the past 10 days is less than $2, then if there is a price expansion on a daily bar, where the range of the expansion bar is three times the average range of the previous 10 daily bars, and if the high of the expansion bar exceeds the lowest low of the past 10 bars plus three times the average range of those 10 bars, then I will BUY if and when the price comes back to the high of the expansion bar minus half of the average range of the past 10 bars.”

The latter statement, albeit dense, brings with it precision. It is programmable and testable in any market. With the right software and a computer, one could theoretically test this system using millennia of daily bar data.

Understanding the Distinction: Trading System vs. Trading Strategy

This precise statement, however, no longer remains a strategy; it evolves into a TRADING SYSTEM. (For a more detailed analysis of this concept, please refer to my article, “Trading Signals.”)

In the typical sense, the term ‘trading strategy’ doesn’t apply to purchases at a specific price, and hence, it CANNOT BE AUTOMATED. This brings us to the puzzling question of what people expect when they search for “automated trading strategy” on Google.

When a trading approach has set rules defining the exact price at which a market should be bought or sold, it is called a TRADING SYSTEM and not a TRADING STRATEGY.

The Transition from ‘Trading System’ to ‘Trading Strategy’: The Influence of Government Regulation

leo-Strategy-vs-Automation-2-228x300 The Evolution of Trading Terminology: Trading Systems Vs Trading Strategies
Using Regulation and Control the Government forced a software company to abandon the words “Trading System” and use the word “Strategy” instead.

The evolution of the phrase ‘TRADING SYSTEM’ into ‘TRADING STRATEGY’ is an intriguing tale of how government regulations subtly altered the English language. In the early 1990s, regulatory bodies sought to expand their influence by mandating individuals offering market advice to register with the government. This process involved taking tests, paying fees, and submitting to government reviews and audits, subtly implying the censorship of ideas.

I chose not to register with the government and faced consequences around 1999 for publishing trading articles online. An arduous journey to Los Angeles, hours of testifying under oath, and $25,000 in attorney fees later, I managed to elude the grasp of government registration, regulation, and censorship.

A Shift in Terminology: Government Regulation and its Impact

Initially, government attempts at regulating the Internet, software, and newsletters containing market and trading information were noticeable. But legal challenges spearheaded by free speech advocates made the government retract and redefine ‘market advice.’ The new definition only included specific recommendations about the exact buying or selling price of a market.

To circumvent potential issues with governmental registration and regulation, the phrase TRADING STRATEGY became more prevalent than TRADING SYSTEM. Omega Research, now TradeStation Securities, one of the largest trading software developers based in Miami, played a significant role in this change. Around 1985, Omega introduced their first system development software called ‘SYSTEM WRITER.’ However, when the government began scrutinizing Omega, the company quickly removed any mention of ‘SYSTEM’ from its software, replacing it with ‘STRATEGY.’

Trading System or Trading Strategy: Understanding the Difference

leo-Strategy-vs-Automation-4-227x300 The Evolution of Trading Terminology: Trading Systems Vs Trading Strategies
The Robot cannot understand the strategy being read to him by the human because the strategy is too ambiguous.

Thus, ‘Trading System’ transitioned into ‘Trading Strategy.’ Most started using the term TRADING STRATEGY even when they were actually referring to TRADING SYSTEMS. I firmly believe that the phrase ‘trading strategy’ was essentially coined by Omega Research, serving as a practical euphemism for ‘trading system.’

This new terminology has stuck around and is now commonly used among traders. By 2023, the term ‘trading system’ has fallen out of common use, and many newer entrants in the field may not even grasp my critique’s essence.

In my opinion, using ‘strategy,’ especially in conjunction with ‘automated,’ is improper. You cannot automate a ‘trading strategy.’ Automation applies only to a ‘trading system.’

While our country and its government hold merit, this narrative remains a cautionary, somewhat amusing tale of the potency of government regulation. It shows how government power can not only change our language use but also enforce an improper use of language.

To reiterate, ‘Trading System’ and ‘Trading Strategy’ are distinct concepts. However, government regulation has blurred this difference in many minds, causing them to be used synonymously.

 The Evolution of Trading Terminology: Trading Systems Vs Trading Strategies

Harnessing the Power of In and Out Trading: Unveiling the Profit Boosting Strategy through Margin Efficiency


Harnessing the Power of In and Out Trading: Unveiling the Profit Boosting Strategy through Margin Efficiency

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Thinking Outside the Box

wp-content-uploads-2013-01-robertburan1 Harnessing the Power of In and Out Trading: Unveiling the Profit Boosting Strategy through Margin Efficiency




By Robert Buran

A Deep Dive into In and Out Trading

leo-IN-AND-OUT-229x300 Harnessing the Power of In and Out Trading: Unveiling the Profit Boosting Strategy through Margin Efficiency
In and Out Trading

In and out trading, a well-known strategy in the stock market, typically refers to a trading style where a stock or security is bought and sold within a notably short period. However, it’s important to clarify that ‘In and Out Trading’ isn’t synonymous with day trading. The definition of ‘short period’ can indeed extend beyond a single day. A trader leveraging this approach aims to pocket a profit within this brief time frame and promptly exits the position, implying more frequent trading actions compared to traditional buy-and-hold strategies.

Short-Term Stock Trading: A Proven Approach Over Four Decades

In my terminology, In and Out Trading is essentially short-term stock trading, a strategy I’ve employed successfully for over 40 years. My typical approach involves holding trades for two to three days, without resorting to day trading. It’s conventional wisdom to label in and out trading as risky, but my experience begs to differ. I firmly believe that In and Out Trading mitigates risk by restricting the time a trader is exposed to potential adverse market movements.

Margin Efficiency: A Groundbreaking Concept for Trading Stock Markets

This article explores the In and Out Trading strategy, comparing the relative effectiveness of long-term versus short-term strategies for trading stock markets. Furthermore, it introduces an innovative concept I’ve coined as “margin efficiency.” This principle unravels how relatively straightforward short-term, in and out trading systems can attain impressive profit levels while concurrently reducing risk.

My Journey Through the Trading Landscape

My trading journey started in 1984. Much like many beginners, my initial ventures resulted in a loss of a few thousand dollars. However, by 1985, I had begun to grasp the nuances and managed to make a few hundred dollars in my second year of trading. By 1986, my earnings were close to the six-figure mark. From that point onward, there was no looking back. I’ve handled accounts as small as $3,000 and as substantial as $6,000,000 (refer to my article ‘Journey to Big Trading: Scaling from $6000 to Multi-Million Dollar Trade’). The common thread across these accounts was my use of short-term trading strategies.

The Unraveling of a Surprising Success

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Surprising Success

Interestingly, I found my success somewhat puzzling. I was working in the public schools then and had no formal academic background in finance, mathematics, statistics, or computer programming. I implemented a straightforward breakout system that had me entering one day and exiting the next, bypassing day trading. Although this system is far from rocket science, with several published variations available, it proved to be incredibly effective. This strategy didn’t seem overly risky, but it led to annualized gains surpassing 100% year after year. Astonishingly, I was outperforming top professionals using a system built with arithmetic skills acquired in 5th grade. This kind of performance was a direct contradiction to conventional beliefs surrounding performance and risk.

The Genesis of the Margin Efficiency Theory

Over time, my experiences with in and out trading led me to develop theories about market behavior and money management. I aimed to understand why this simple short-term breakout approach to trading was performing so well. In this article, I am going to discuss one of the most crucial of these theories, my theory of ‘margin efficiency’.

Illustrating Margin Efficiency Theory: A Simple Study

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Illustrating Margin Efficiency Theory: A Simple Study

To elucidate my theory of margin efficiency, I will refer to a straightforward study I conducted on a single market over a 34-day period. I’m revisiting data from 14 years back in 2023 because that’s when I began to solidify these concepts. I must stress that studying just one market for only 34 days doesn’t yield statistically significant findings; this study serves purely for demonstration purposes to explain my theory. The study itself doesn’t prove anything but is used to illustrate my theory of margin efficiency.

For the study, I compared two systems I will simply call LONG TERM BREAK OUT SYSTEM and SHORT TERM BREAK OUT SYSTEM. I chose the NASDAQ market SEED, which represents Origin Agritech Limited, as the subject of this study. The test period spanned over 34 trading days, from 11/24/09 to 01/12/10. Following my money management strategy, both systems bought and sold 80 shares for all trades, designed to limit the cash margin requirement to approximately $1,000 per trade. During this period, SEED fluctuated between approximately $6 and $14.50 per share, making it a highly volatile market and thus suitable for my trading strategies.

Here are some numbers that emerged from this study:

  1. Long Term break out system
  2. Short Term break out system

The study duration was from 11/24/09 to 1/12/10 (34 trading or “Study” days).

The LONG TERM SYSTEM made one trade lasting 34 days: It bought 80 shares of SEED on 11/24/09 at $11.74 (cash margin requirement $939). It sold the 80 shares on 1/12/10 at $14.14.

Unveiling Margin Efficiency: Profits and Calculations

The LONG TERM SYSTEM achieved a net profit of $192. After deducting $10 for transaction costs, the ACTUAL NET PROFIT becomes $182.

On the other hand, the SHORT TERM SYSTEM completed six trades, buying and selling 80 shares each time. Each trade lasted two days, buying at an average price of $12.00 (average cash margin requirement was $960). There were three winning trades totaling $451 and three losing trades costing $259.

The net profit was $192. Subtracting $60 in transaction costs gives an ACTUAL NET PROFIT of $132.

To evaluate the effectiveness of these strategies, I devised a formula for calculating margin efficiency (ME):

Margin Efficiency (ME) = ((Study Days / Days in Market) * (Actual Net Profit/ Cash Margin)) * 100

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Reliable Profits from Short term Stock Trading

This should be read as the number of Study Days DIVIDED BY the number of days the trade is in the market, TIMES the Actual Net Profit DIVIDED BY the required cash margin (price times the number of shares), TIMES 100.

Plugging in the numbers for each system, we get:

LONG TERM SYSTEM: ME = ((34/34) * ($182/$939)) * 100 = 19.38

SHORT TERM SYSTEM: ME = ((34/12) * ($132/$960)) * 100 = 38.91

Interestingly, the ME for the SHORT TERM SYSTEM is twice what it is for the LONG TERM SYSTEM. Theoretically, this implies that a portfolio with an ME of 39 should generate twice as much profit as a portfolio with an ME of 19.

To grasp this better, let’s return to our study. The LONG TERM SYSTEM made $182 in 34 days with no idle days. For those 34 days, a trader could only engage with ONE market using the allocated cash margin.

In contrast, the SHORT TERM SYSTEM made a slightly lower profit of $132 but was only active in the market for 12 days. Therefore, within the 34-day study period, there were 22 days where the system was idle, allowing other markets to use those free days without increasing the margin requirement.

Capitalizing on ‘Blank Days’: Short-Term vs Long-Term Systems

With the SHORT TERM SYSTEM, those blank days can be filled with short-term trades from other markets. This approach can potentially generate much higher profits within the same timeframe, compared to the LONG TERM SYSTEM, without the need to increase our margin requirement. So, how much more can we earn?

If the LONG TERM SYSTEM generates $182 in 34 days, it’s making about $5.36 per day. On the other hand, if the SHORT TERM SYSTEM makes $132 in 12 days, it’s making approximately $11.00 per day.

Should we fill in those 22 blank days with trades from other markets that also yield $11 per day, we could add $242 (22 days * $11 per day) to our net profit of $132. This would total net profits for the SHORT TERM SYSTEM to $374. As a comparison, the LONG TERM SYSTEM only made $182. It’s important to remember, however, that these figures are theoretical, as market conditions seldom perfectly align to fill in these blanks.

Another way to compute a theoretical value is by utilizing the ME numbers we already calculated. If we divide the SHORT TERM SYSTEM ME of 38.91 by the LONG TERM SYSTEM ME of 19.38, we get 2.01. By multiplying our original SHORT TERM SYSTEM profit of $132 by 2.01, we arrive at $265.

Therefore, we now have two theoretical projections for the SHORT TERM SYSTEM’s profits over a 34-day period: $265 and $374. The actual result likely falls somewhere in between, as it’s improbable that all blank days will be filled by markets as volatile and high-performing as SEED.

Implementing Short-Term Trades into Multiple Markets

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This system effectively utilizes the power of in and out trading and leveraging margin efficiency to boost profits and reduce risks.

How then do we fill in these blank days with trades from other markets? This question starts to delve into the theory of money management, which is too extensive and complex to cover in this one article. Nevertheless, the straightforward answer is that I engage in trading across a wide array of markets. As of 2023, I’m active in over 50 markets, ensuring all the ‘blank’ days are utilized. Moreover, with a SHORT TERM SYSTEM, I can trade in far more markets using the same amount of capital than I could with a LONG TERM SYSTEM. This approach not only maximizes my returns but also reduces risk via market diversification.

To put it simply, this is the essence of in and out trading. The short-term in and out approach works because it is margin efficient. My theory of margin efficiency partly elucidates why these uncomplicated, short-term breakout trading systems can deliver high returns with limited risk.

When devising a trading strategy, you should seriously consider adopting a short-term trading approach, which I simply refer to as Short Term Stock Trading. By combining this with high margin efficiency, you can mitigate your risk while reaping significant returns on your investment.

As of 2023, I’ve incorporated these concepts I developed many years ago into my current trading system, JORDI FUSION. This system effectively utilizes the power of in and out trading, leveraging margin efficiency to boost profits and reduce risks.

 Harnessing the Power of In and Out Trading: Unveiling the Profit Boosting Strategy through Margin Efficiency

Monday July 3, 2023, Today Stock Market

    • Today Stock Market

    • Welcome fellow stock traders!  E-MAIL ME AT:   bobburan@juno.com   with questions.  Download nine years of trading performance at the very bottom of this page.  I am Robert Buran and I update Today Stock Market every trading day.  I utilize Short Term Stock Trading wp-content-uploads-2013-03-robertburan Monday July 3, 2023, Today Stock Marketstrategies along with  automated stock trading software and short term stock trading systems to take trades everyday in the U.S. stock market including the NYSE, NASDAQ, and AMEX. I post my trading  positions here along with images and charts.  I include a video of my stock market report on this page every day.

Monday July 3, 2023

Dow opens -78  and our open trade improves  (click to enlarge)

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20 minutes in  (click to enlarge)
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The Dow closes +11 and this is what we closed out:  LTCH +2400, RCUS +1425, ADES -2550, NAUT +1567, YEXT -200, TMPO +1300, RXT +5550, CXAI -2396, AI -1980, AAOI -1710
TOTAL = + $3,406
This is what we are holding (click to enlarge)

CLOSE-300x168 Monday July 3, 2023, Today Stock Market

twitter Monday July 3, 2023, Today Stock Market